Thursday, June 25, 2009

anit movement

Still steadily progressing on the downward path but not as quick as if I were exercising regularly. I don't kmow why I won't because I love the feeling of finishing a workout, especially cardio. I'm good at cardio, I never get bored, I always mix it up and always finished pleased with myself, so why don't I like to start it.
I suppose somewhere in my head there is a bit that has decided to take the easy out and just let the sleeve do everything for me. ?????????????????????
My eating habits have certainly changed.
I don't crave anything really.
I choose healthy options even if the portions are small.
I have an occasional treat.
I love the new body I am developing so you would think if I could get there quicker with exercise I would just get off my butt and do it.

Move, Kerry, move.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Exercise: Bugger all
Breakfast: crumpet
Lunch: cup soup
Tea:casserole with dumplings, of course I will be full after about 1 dumpling and 2 tbsp casserole, but that is what I am going to have.

Many years ago when I was just a little girl and it rained I had little curls all over my head. Now that I am 51 and after/during hair loss I also have regrowth I have those little curls again. I feel so young it is not funny.
In fact I feel so young that I am dressing that way, I have a shortish skirt on today, yes I am wearing a skirt and it has been years since I have. It is size 12.
The other thing that I have on is knee high boots. I have boots on!!!!!It has been a very long time.
I have been getting compliments all over the place but what most people don't realise is that I am technically still obese and have about 3 stone (in their language) to lose, so they tell me that I should not go too far.
I am sure manufacturers have made the sizes larger. I really can't be a true 12 or as one shop assistant said to me, "you are going to end up an 8 or a 6". How good would that be, I think to myself, let's just keep motoring on.
Mirrors used to be a real threat and now I love them when I am dressed. I look fantastic.