Monday, September 1, 2008

The Psychiatrist

I have been told that I am too honest for my own good.

After a quick tour of Albert Park I finally found Dr. Leon Fail's practice, a quaint little house tucked behind the cafe area of Albert Park. There is no receptionist, just a doorbell and a locked door that he opens for you.

I have read on forums that he makes his money very quickly.

A quick chat about my weight ups and downs and mostly the huge up since the Mothers Day after Mum's death and he tells me I will need grief counselling or I could sabotage the whole procedure and then, are you paying by cheque or cash, here's a pen. In total 10 or 15 minutes of his time.

I probably do need counselling and I know a good one, I just don't want to fork out the money or the time.


1 comment:

Kimmy said...

Hi Kerry
Thank you for the invite - I just found the link. Wow that is so exciting for you. You go girl you deserve to have everything you want. One of my friends mums had this surgery (not sure which one) she doesn't live in Dubbo anymore but she lost so much weight she looked like a different person.
I am so looking forward to giving you support. Sending lots of positive vibes and look forward to following your journey.
Live with Passion