Friday, February 13, 2009


Breakfast:Protein pancake and sf maple syrup
Lunch:stir fry and lamb
Tea:dinner at the sofitel.

I have had a goal since I had the surgery to fit into the Diana Ferrari dress I bought after Mum died. Today I have it on. I just love it and I feel really good with it on. I also have matching DF shoes on.

500g to go and I will be exactly half way to my final weight goal.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on fitting into the dress, that is the best feeling Kerry.

That's my favourite breakfast which I'm having tomorrow with some fresh banana. And I just love diana ferrari, her shoes are just so comfortable. :o)

Kerry said...

I'd like to have the banana but I would waste it because I would not be able to fit both in.

I have always loved DF shoes.