Saturday, October 25, 2008

Two for the price of one.

Yes, I had two surgeries for the price of one. Once in there the surgeon found a hiatus hernia, which, apparently is not uncommon. He repaired that and then went on to create the sleeve. I went in at 11.00 a.m and was back on the ward at 1.30 p.m. I slept most of the day so don't have much memory of it.
I had a few attachments which were gradually removed and now I am home on a liquid diet for four weeks. This is not usual. The repair to the hernia is a bit narrow and as a result I have to have the fluids longer and may even have to go back to have it stretched. I think I can cope with yoghurt, soup and protein shakes for at least 3 more weeks and won't the weight drop off because a fruche size tub is pushing the limits a bit with what I can fit in.
The only pain I felt is at wound sites which is minimal and a drain site which is slighltly more.
More to come.


Yummy Mummy said...

OMG!!! Didn't see that one coming!!
Hope that you have recovered well and I look forward in seeing the results~
goodlcuk Kerry~

Miss Positive said...

So good to hear that you came out of the surgery well and that you're on the road to recovering from the op.

Does the liquid diet include chardonnay??!! lol!

Hilary xx

Kerry said...

I didn't see the hernia coming either Kirsty but apparently 50% of the population have them and don't know.
........and unfortunately Hilary alcohol is not on the list....for now.