Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

I do not make New Year's Resolutions. I never have and I never will.
I am not good at goal setting for my own health and fitness but I am very good at organising and planning and working towards other things in my life. Once I set my mind to some things there is no budging on my behalf, that is how I have achieved lots of things in my life. It's a real mystery as to why I don't seem to treat my health in the same way.
Bariatric surgery was easy to plan for and keep to schedule. I did not put one foot wrong in preparation for the surgery. I followed all the rules and it was a breeze.
My weight loss was very quick and relatively easy but now it has slowed considerably. I have one minor female age related problem at the moment that could be slowing things down temporarily but that is only an excuse I am looking for.
I stole some goals from Tracey's blog and have tuned them to suit me.

This year I am choosing to focus on the following:
I refuse to let emotions play a part in my health and fitness.

I will embrace the opportunity my gastric sleeve has given me to improve my health and support it by making healthy food choices. We are a team!

Exercise will be a regular component of my life. I will participate in planned exercise at least five times each week.

I will hydrate my body with at least at least two litres of water a day.

That is four areas of my life that I am choosing to keep “neat”, shouldn’t be too hard should it? Well, trust me, you will hear about it if I mess up.

I hope you don't mind too much Tracey.

I have started to do a minimum of 30 minutes cardio each day, even getting up early to do it when necessary. This is a huge change on my behalf. Unlike other times when I have started exercising after a break I have not tried to do it full on as if I haven't stopped. I am doing very easy cardio and intend to build on it each day.
I will also start incorporating weights again.
I have booked into Phat Camp, even if I am the only one I know there, I will go and I will be in the best shape I have ever been when I get there. I am already looking forward to it. Let's hope I don't fall off anything this time.
I still have eating issues. Most vegies don't go too well unless they are mashed. I refuse to put proper meals in a blender. I am not a baby and I will not eat baby food. I will perservere with all food until the hernia repair stretches itself or I learn to do without some things.
I can no longer eat rich food such as fruit mince pies, Christmas pudding and chocolate. I will not miss the chocolate but unless something changes Christmas just won't be the same again.
I cannot drink softdrink, the bubbles are too big but Champagne bubbles are fine in small sips, go figure. Every now and then I wouldn't mind a coke zero.
I am learning to enjoy tea, iced mainly, but also the occasional hot one. I still love coffee and if I haven't had food or drink for a while I can drink a whole small one. I used to always drink large flat whites. No more large ones now. Just think of the calories I am saving. I will not ruin the coffee with low fat milk so I still get a few extra calories but I don't have coffee as often so I guess it's win, win.
I am loving the way I feel at this point in time and it can only improve from now on.



1 comment:

Miss Positive said...

Happy New Year Kerry!! I'm sure 2009 will be a great one for you, and you have Phat Camp to look forward to again!

Hilary xx